The Internet, The Law, and Your Free Speech Rights as an Escort BLACKLIST is a Resource tool for Escorts Client BLACKLIST is designed to help female escorts and escort agencies by giving them the information they need to avoid booking dates with bad or dangerous clients. Subscribing to BLACKLIST builds an escort's sense of personal power to control her business by avoiding times wasters, scammers, and abusers.
Our Purpose & Mission: To provide a platform where female escorts and escort agencies can exchange vital and timely information about bad customer encounters. By posting incidents to Client BLACKLIST such as threats, verbal or physical abuse, violence, rip offs, wasted time, pranksters, or withholding money, female escorts can share valuable information to make their lives more safe and secure! Our easy to search database provides the information you need when you need it to make an informed decision.
FREE Posting: Escorts not need to be a member to post. Please be fair and honest. Your report may help save other escorts from a similar situation. The only way female escorts can increase their safety is to rely upon each other. The incidents information is searchable, and is best searched by phone the bad customer's name, review board handle, phone number, and email.
Subscription Benefits:
1. Escorts can take comfort knowing they have the most comphrensive and up to date data base.
2. The mere presence of InterNational Client Blacklist will deter certain men from behaving badly for fear they will wind up on this escort blacklist. The fear of being discovered and exposed can ruin their reputation with their family, friends, neighbors, employers, and associates. If this fear cause's men to behave better then escorting will be safer for all female escorts.
QuikALERTS - Instant notification when something happens in your area. Your subscription includes regular monthly reports, but some escorts also like the QuikALERT feature which instantly notifies them when an incident in their area is posted, or when vice stings may be occuring in some areas.
Regular Automatic Reports for your area. Register for a Membership Subscription to the InterNational BLACKLIST and receive monthly reports for your area, or search your area or other areas anytime to see what's going on.
Safer-Working Escorts Newsletter. Register and receive the InterNational BLACKLIST Safer-Working Newsletter for Adult Escorts. It will keep you up to date on trends safety tips and much more to help make you more effective at what you do.
News for Adult Female Escorts and the Escort Industry - Read the latest headlines - both good and bad - about escorts and the escort industry. Keep yourself aware of changes, laws and trends in the escort industry.
Articles, FAQ and Glossary for Escorts - Read tips from other escorts to help make you more safe and effective. Escorts talk frankly about their lives, their clients, and the way modern technologies have changed their job.
While escorts usually send us positive e-mails about InterNational BLACKLIST, we continue to need your postings and feedback so this resource can continue to succeed. This site can not help female escorts work safer and more effectively without your input. For your suggestions, questions, or comments please